
You're going to type this following syntax: 1st Put an opening tag "<" and type "html" inside of it and put a closing tag like ">". 2nd Type an opening tag " ", then put an opening tag " " and closing tag " ". Between these tags, type the title that you want. For me I typed "HTML Basic Tags Example." 3rd If you typed an opening tag, you should close it, but there are tags where you can not to put a closing tag. Type " ". 4th After you finished the head, you can start typing the body, it is where you put the most important details of your site, but still you can put what you want. To start the body, type opening tag "<" "body" and closing tag">", it is where you open your body. And if you want to put a paragraph on it, you start it with an opening tag "<" "p" and closing tag ">". For me, I typed " Op